Wednesday, June 13, 2012

10 Golden Keys to Successful Parenting

The Golden Keys to Successful Parenting............

It is important that we discipline in a way that teaches responsibility by motivating our children internally, to build their self-esteem and make them feel loved. If our children are disciplined in this respect, they will not have a need to turn to gangs, drugs, or sex to feel powerful or belong.
The following ten keys will help parents use methods that have been proven to provide children with a sense of well-being and security.
1 - Use Genuine Encounter Moments (GEMS)
Your child's self-esteem is greatly influenced by the quality of time you spend with him-not the amount of time that you spend. With our busy lives, we are often thinking about the next thing that we have to do, instead of putting 100% focused attention on what our child is saying to us. We often pretend to listen or ignore our child's attempts to communicate with us. If we don't give our child GEMS throughout the day, he will often start to misbehave. Negative attention in a child's mind is better than being ignored.
It is also important to recognize that feelings are neither right nor wrong. They just are. So when your child says to you, "Mommy, you never spend time with me" (even though you just played with her) she is expressing what she feels. It is best at these times just to validate her feelings by saying, "Yeah, I bet it does feel like a long time since we spent time together."
2 - Use Action, Not Words
Statistics say that we give our children over 2000 compliance requests a day! No wonder our children become "parent deaf!" Instead of nagging or yelling, ask yourself, "What action could I take?" For example, if you have nagged your child about unrolling his socks when he takes them off, then only wash socks that are unrolled. Action speaks louder than words.
3 - Give Children Appropriate Ways to Feel Powerful
If you don't, they will find inappropriate ways to feel their power. Ways to help them feel powerful and valuable are to ask their advice, give them choices, let them help you balance your check book, cook all our part of a meal, or help you shop. A two-year-old can wash plastic dishes, wash vegetables, or put silverware away. Often we do the job for them because we can do it with less hassle, but the result is they feel unimportant.
4 - Use Natural Consequences
Ask yourself what would happen if I didn't interfere in this situation? If we interfere when we don't need to, we rob children of the chance to learn from the consequences of their actions. By allowing consequences to do the talking, we avoid disturbing our relationships by nagging or reminding too much. For example, if your child forgets her lunch, you don't bring it to her. Allow her to find a solution and learn the importance of remembering.

5 - Use Logical Consequences
Often the consequences are too far in the future to practically use a natural consequence. When that is the case, logical consequences are effective. A consequence for the child must be logically related to the behavior in order for it to work. For example, if your child forgets to return his video and you ground him for a week, that punishment will only create resentment within your child. However, if you return the video for him and either deduct the amount from his allowance or allow him to work off the money owed, then your child can see the logic to your discipline.
6 - Withdraw from Conflict
If your child is testing you through a temper tantrum, or being angry or speaking disrespectfully to you, it is best if you leave the room or tell the child you will be in the next room if he wants to "Try again." Do not leave in anger or defeat.
7 - Seperate the Deed from the Doer
Never tell a child that he is bad. That tears at his self-esteem. Help your child recognize that it isn't that you don't like him, but it is his behavior that you are unwilling to tolerate. In order for a child to have healthy self-esteem, he must know that he is loved unconditionally no matter what he does. Do not motivate your child by withdrawing your love from him. When in doubt, ask yourself, did my discipline build my child's self-esteem?
8 - Be Kind and Firm at the Same Time
Suppose you have told your five-year-old child that if she isn't dressed by the time the timer goes off, you will pick her up and take her to the car. She has been told she can either get dressed either in the car or at school. Make sure that you are loving when you pick her up, yet firm by picking her up as soon as the timer goes off without any more nagging. If in doubt, ask yourself, did I motivate through love or fear?
9 - Parent with the End in Mind
Most of us parent with the mindset to get the situation under control as soon as possible. We are looking for the expedient solution. This often results in children who feel overpowered. But if we parent in a way that keeps in mind how we want our child to be as an adult, we will be more thoughtful in the way we parent. For example, if we spank our child, he will learn to use acts of aggression to get what he wants when he grows up.
10 - Be Consistent, Follow Through
If you have made an agreement that your child cannot buy candy when she gets to the store, do not give in to her pleas, tears, demands or pouting. Your child will learn to respect you more if you mean what you say.
This document is produced by the International Network for Children and Families and the 350 instructors of the "Redirecting Children's Behavior" course.

When To Educate Your Child About Sex ?

Most parents find it difficult to talk to their children about sex; some feel unconcern about sex education, but we should know that our children spend a lot of their time watching television and most of these programmes they watch and what happen around them affect their lifestyle either positively or negatively, so is up to we; parents should educate their children about sex and safety and not letting them learn it outside, because you don't know what they are been taught there.
Children around age six ask questions like "where babies came from?" or "what are breast are?" when children start asking question like this, the best thing parent should give them honest and accurate information, just tell them everything don't hid anything from them. Its better they know and learn from you than they should learn them outside, from that age, every year as they mature, you should add more information to the level of their understanding.
Let them know that:

1. No Drinking
2. No Smoking
3. No Sex, no babies until marriage

It is important that children should know what would happen if they should have sex, the diseases they could contacted even if they wear some type of condom, disease like STDs, but there are sure way of not contacting the disease or getting a girl pregnant, if he stay away from sex.
It would be nice for you sex educate your children rather than letting their teachers or learn from their friends which can be dangerous to them and to you their parent. So give your best to your children education.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


By honoring yourself and treating yourself with respect, you set the stage up for others to treat you with respect.
GOD Almighty made us so delicate,so glorious creatures; and furnished us with such charms,so agreeable and so delightful to mankind; with souls capable of the same accomplishments with men.

I feel that as women we've allowed ourselves to be deluded 
by certain ideas that hold us back, such as the over-glorification of masculine consciousness. 
To me, liberation doesn't mean that I can think just like a man. 
Real liberation means that I can think, act, and be like a woman 
and receive equal respect, honor, and compensation. 
Liberation also means that even though I'm a woman,
I have masculine parts of my temperament 
which I can safely explore and integrate into my experience. In the same way, real liberation for men means that they can explore and integrate their feminine aspects of consciousness!!!

Women have always been the strong ones of the world. The men are always seeking from women a little pillow to put their heads down on. They are always longing for the mother who held them as infants.

It took years of being a grown up to get that confidence and self worth back but there are still days that I get caught up in challenging situations and forget.

(The daughters. The mothers. The sisters.
The fribblings – friends like siblings.
The wives. The girlfriends.
The aunts. The nieces.
The grand-somethings.
The young uns. The teens.
The women in your life.
Who love, lose, cry.
Laugh, heal, thrive.
Nurture. Create.)
I decided to create a reminder for myself and all women, bringing together quotes that inspire, empower and remind us of how powerful we really are.
Mere quotes won’t change your life, but they can change your perspective and your day.
ANYTHING is possible thereon.Because even though we have bad days, it’s not a bad life at all.


As. you. are.
Stronger than you know.
More beautiful than you think.
Worthier than you believe.
More loved than you can ever imagine.
Passionate about making a difference.
Fiery when protecting those you love.
Learning. Growing. Not alone.
Warm. Giving. Generous.
Quirky. Sexy. Funny. Smart.
Flawed. Whole. Scared. Brave.
And so, so, so.much.more.
Be Strong. Be Confident. Be You.

"Woman must not accept; she must challenge.
She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her;
she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression...."

I want to Respect Myself first...Then Expect others to Respect ,

ps: A smile is still the sexiest curve on your body. Ever.
pps: If you know a special woman, let her know how phenomenal she is.

                                                                                   - By Silpa Satpathy Misra